Oh hi there.
sister and
father have both got blogs, so I thought, hey, why not have a go?
I'm gonna post some art, short stories and things I think on a day to day basis. Most of it will seem very confusing to you, I'm sure. But whatever.
Art will consist of: drawings (of rubbish quality), photographs (which are possible through STEALING DAD'S CAMERA HAHAHA), and...nothing else.
Short Stories: This is a mixture of things. I run through ideas FAR too quickly, so I thought the best way to keep everything fresh was to make it short, instead of making it run over a long project.
Musings: Just. Anything really.
EDIT: Screw it, I can't be bothered with that.
When it really gets into the swing of things, well...
It'll be interesting, to say the least.